ul. Dynasy 4 / 55, Warsaw (Tamka)

   Accounting Office Open Mon – Fri: 9:00am – 17:00pm. 

   +48 22 224 04 88

Settling the accounts from the sale of real estate

Those selling property 5 years from the date of acquisition, as calculated from the end of that year, not have to worry about paying income tax because the sales of these objects after 5 years is income tax exempt.

Those who received income from the sale of property before the passage of five years from the date of acquisition must with their annual tax declaration also submit a PIT-39. This declaration must be submitted to the tax office even if the funds obtained from the sale were completely used for residential purposes.

What are personal residential purposes?

Personal residential purposes should be regarded as the purchase of another flat or house or land for construction.

Court rulings have resulted in the fact that the concept of personal residential purposes can be understood more broadly – for example, a situation where someone using proceeds from the sale of a flat purchases two smaller places for themselves and a minor child.

It is important that the proceeds obtained from the sale of the flat are designated for personal residential purposes within 2 years of their acquisition. If, after the passage of 2 years, the money has not been used for residential purposes, you will have to pay a 19% income tax.

We offer:

  • Settling the annual PIT-39 declaration, even if personal residential purposes were partially realised.
  • Determining purchase and sales costs – in the case of selling real estate before the 5 year period is up and not spending the proceeds of the sale for personal residential purposes.
  • Calculating inheritance tax and gift tax in the event of inheriting real estate.
  • Preparing and calculating taxes due to expenditures on residence renovation financed by a loan if it was done for sales purposes in order to increase its value.

Prices for services depend on the number of documents dealing with the property in question as well as on the purpose for expending funds obtained from the sale of property.

Let us do it for you!